Home > Financial "confessions"

Financial "confessions"

January 19th, 2007 at 06:45 pm

$ 81,953.12

That it the total amount of my debt: student loans (about 55k here), credit cards, loan from mom for car. That is the total amount of money I owe.

$6000 the total amount (approximately) I have in the bank right now.

Goal 1: build Emergency Fund back to 10K
(That is where I feel comfortable and is about 4 months living expenses for me)
Goal 2: Pay off CC1, Bank of America ($2900)
Goal 3: Pay off CC2, El Dorado ($14,200, medical bills from ankle issue 2001, *Please don't think badly of me. I came home from working over seas with a broken ankle and foot and am fighting the US labor department about paying my hospital bills, it is a workmen’s comp case for 5 years!)
Goal 4-6: CC 4, 5, 6: ~~$5000
Goal 7: pay off mom

The good news: I love my job and am working with my agency to make it non contract and a "real" job. This will help me be able to sleep at night and be able to pay off a load of debt quickly. The good news, with my current personal “pay off plan” I should be with out CC and Car loan in about 2 years. The student loans, once I finish the second masters program (with out student loans) will be paid back in about 4-5 years. I am not worried about that it is interest free while I am in school and is only 1.9 % if I am not. (Consolidation 5 years ago was god send and I love my lender: VSAC!)

Here is the real truth: I feel like I have been living a lie to all of you for over a year. I knew to the penny what I owed and was working on it (quickly). I am not frustrated about the student loans (an evil necessity and allows me to make great money and love my job) or the miniscule cc debt that is not medical related. It is the medical stuff that frustrates me. Hopefully by the end of 2007 that will be rectified in court and paid off. Here is to a profitable year 2007!

with a masters degree in intl mgmt i do know about financial things, i swear!

1 Responses to “Financial "confessions"”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Sounds good!

    My ex has 130k in student loans alone, and she still doesn't see any problems with it! You have even less, much of it is medically-related, AND you're motivated to bring down those debts.

    That's awesome!

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