Home > Examinations, applications, FICO questions and a good weekend

Examinations, applications, FICO questions and a good weekend

September 2nd, 2008 at 11:04 pm

Reading MMMMB (Monkey Mama’s Monkey Money Blog) made me realize that I have not pulled the report I get from AMEX monthly since the end of June. Pleasant surprise my scores went up to 784, 780, and 780. Yeah!!

Does anyone know how long items stay on your credit report? I am looking for the accounts I closed, student loans consolidated etc to drop off but they seem to last longer than I thought. Do they not come off at 7years? I’d like to have the report print cleaner that it does.

Another question, when I went through running my financial number for a possible mortgage a couple months ago I knew my credit scores were in the high 770 and low 780’s but the mortgage guy said my numbers were around 740-750. Does anyone know when the discrepancy in the numbers? His for all three credit reporting bureaus were 34-50 points lower than what I saw and I am trying to determine why.

My weekend was very quiet and pretty non spendy. I spent $25 on dinner for Friday for two of us, groceries Monday were $45 (saved 67%) and I think that is it. Most of that was fruit and veggies. I am planning to eat a lot of fruit and veggies this wee. It just all looked really good. Then I realized it was Monday and the farmers market was today although turns out I never got to leave the office for the market after all.

I have class two nights this week but one is a late class so I can still come home and have dinner before I have to go. For tomorrow’s class I need to pack something to eat for dinner ahead of time. Might only be a PB&J sandwich but at least I will have planned for it.

I am applying for two new state examinations and a new job today after work. One exam is a promotion for me (the next level in my current classification) and the other is a similar level to what I am now. It will allow me some flexibility to apply to other jobs in the agency I want to work. The job is with my former boss here so here’s hoping I ace the interview (his boss and bosses boss will also sit in because he was my former boss.) I actually requested it (at his urging) because they want to hire internally but the job description is 75% of what I am doing now AND is working back with people in this agency. I already have relationships with those people, I know their foibles and strength and can work with the as I know how to approach them. What better to say, Look I already have the relationships. Let’s get to work instead of building relationships for a year and making no progress.

And I will have my three year anniversary being here at the end of the month!

4 Responses to “Examinations, applications, FICO questions and a good weekend”

  1. sillyoleme Says:

    Don't ask me about the FICO stuff... I thought I had it figured out until the shenanigans with my score as of late.

    Good luck with your job interviews... hopefully you will get the one you want!

  2. fern Says:

    Well, yes, there are 3 different credit reporting burueas (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion) and they all calculate their own scores. Each one will likely be a little different. If both of you were looking at all 3 scores, it may be that he pulled your score on a different date than you pulled it. Credit scores are more or less a moving target, since they are constantly changing based on new information that is reported from your various lenders, including anyone you have loans with as well as your credit card issuers, plus utility companies.

  3. monkeymama Says:

    Actually, most places sell FAKO scores. ("Fake" scores) that tend to run a little higher. They are similar, but no the same. It is rare when you come across your real FICO score (my understanding anyway).

    Of course last time we were house shopping my realtor friend pulled my score and it was over 800? HUH??? All I could figure was we had just had a car loan (for a few days before we paid it off). We had never had a car loan and it seemed to catapult out score into the stratosphere for a short time. (Haven't seen it so high before or since. Wink ). So there is something to the daily fluctuations.

  4. debtfreeme Says:

    i had my fico score from the day before and it was 37 points lower than his score pulled literally 15 hours later. i still cannot figure out what he pulled.

    perhaps he even pulled someone elses report, he did keep calling me Krishna during the whole meeting. (that is not my name.)

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