Home > toastmasters and awards, spending, school

toastmasters and awards, spending, school

April 11th, 2007 at 04:46 pm

Little spending for the past few days. Back in school for a few more weeks. I will be ready to have a summer off to do anything I want. I am looking at a Russian and nutrition courses for nest fall. Two nights a week for language class and computer based for the other. Just enough to keep me busy and keep my mind engaged.

Got my interview notice for the part time job I applied for through a park and rec office. I think I would be good but really I am just looking for a part time job that will be flexible around my other work schedule and be able to make an extra 1000 a month or so to pay off debt faster. When I work that much I spend little money because I just don’t have the time. So I end up saving even more.

Went to a toast master class yesterday during my lunch hour, anyone here a member? It was the first time I had ever gone, but I am hoping that the skills would help my training skills and my goals for one day working for the Foreign Service. They asked me to participate in a table topic speech. The theme was quality: of life etc. they asked me a question regarding what bring joy into my life and I spoke of my nieces and nephews. I went against a long time member and had no idea that they award prizes at the end after people vote for the best speaker for the table topic. I won! Got a little award and every thing! They gave me good comments and made me feel a little better about being a guest to the group. I think I will join. The benefits to ward my job are numerous and if it helps me get to the foreign service thing faster, yeah me!

called about using the ticket and my sister is very excited about the possible visit. I need to think of some gifts to take to holland for the kiddies.

23 groceries
5 reusable cloth bags made from recycled plastic bags for grocery shopping

6.02 dinner
8 parking

8 parking
(theater arts test tonight)

2 Responses to “toastmasters and awards, spending, school”

  1. JanH Says:

    Congrats on winning the speech award! And your first time out!

  2. princessperky Says:

    My parents did toastmasters when I was a kid, I got my first public speaking practice there, it is a bit..intense at times with all the certs you can get, but the emphasis is on 'can'...congrats on winning, I hope you find it enjoyable and useful.

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