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interview today

September 30th, 2008 at 03:51 am

It went ok. I am not happy about some of my answers after I thought about them in the car on my way to work.

I won't find out until Friday if the job is mine. While it is working for the same supervisor I worked for before and he wants me to work with him now, this is a new agency and all bets are off. I was the first person they called for the interview so I feel good about that.

I really want out of my job but I am not willing to lose the money i make or make a bad decision. I did decided that if this job does not come through I will begin looking to get a job anywhere now that the state budget has been passed.

The other interviewer was difficult. I can imagine this job being hard and wanting the same job but when i started answering the later questions with some material i had used earlier she cut me off and asked if i had new materials.

I was kind of pissed because while i had used part of the project in an earlier answer i was using other pieces of it for the answers to the other questions. i just continued on as if she had not interrupted me as the answers were there if she would just let me. When i looked at her 40 seconds later she was making notes and crossing off things on the work sheet in from of her.

Now, I was given a copy of the questions when i arrived at the interview so would'nt you think i'd note the answers and situatuons from my professional career that would be helpful?

Anyway I won't know until Friday and I hope that it is a good result for me professionally!!

1 Responses to “interview today”

  1. whitestripe Says:

    argh, that sounded so annoying just reading it, i can only imagine how it must've felt BEING there. i hate it when people don't give you a chance, especially if it's just that they shut up and listen. hope it goes well for you!

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