Home > It has been a while for me

It has been a while for me

November 2nd, 2005 at 06:39 pm

but here goes.

November goals:
250 for gas for the month or less
300 for entertainment
300 groceries. Although I used over this in October, I have a very stocked freezer which will allow me to have less over all spending. I am slowly buying spices, herbs etc to fill the kitchen. Just things as we need them, nothing over the top and slowly.

All the other expenses are fixed expenses and fixed savings vehicles. Let's see if I can stay in these three categories for the month.

There is some left over for emergency spending if something was to come up but that is all in my extra account and if none of it is used for the month then it goes into extra emergency savings. I call it my pay check cushion.

One thing i like is that i am actively taking classes at alocal community college just for fun, keep me busy and costs almost nothing for 3 night a week fun and subjects i am interested in. Great time and everything looks good for november.

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