Home > August 31 Goals Updated (yeah)

August 31 Goals Updated (yeah)

August 31st, 2007 at 07:27 pm

I updated my goals (to the left) today. Paid off AMerican Express Blue card. It is nice to see some progress on the items I have to pay off and very SMART objectives with very clear steps and goals through September 2008.

I paid my bills, put money into savings, sent off payments I needed to for September etc. since I got paid yesterday.

I have also paid off ($13.00) a bill for which I was fighting the insurance company. The doctor’s office and I were using it as a way to press my insurance to pay the full amount for bills from offices who have not signed on with the insurance company. The issue in CA is when a doctors office signs up with a particular insurance the prices are negotiated ahead of time. The negotiated prices are usually below the usual and customary charges (U&C) that a doctor’s office can charge if not signed on with an insurance company. In 2005 I was knocked off my bike and had x-rays completed to check my elbow. The doctor’s office requested me not to pay so they could fight this particular insurance company’s practices of paying the lowest possible to doctors, even less than the U&C charges. Basically this insurance company pays this office what contracted doctors get paid instead. Anyway I changed insurance with my new job and I just want o move on and not get a bill each month from the doctor’s office so I paid it. I just want it done.

Work is a nightmare as usual. The head boss can’t make a decision about anything then asks me why a project isn’t completed. I reply you have not replied to my requests or information so I could complete it. She says, ok I will. She never does then she comes to me again to know why thins aren’t done. Oh and the fact that I am doing two jobs right now because she refuses to hire for someone who left 4 months ago, never mind that the job is coordinating a state wide exercise. Yeah, go jump in the lake Ms. Boss, please make a decision and do your job so we can ours!

1 Responses to “August 31 Goals Updated (yeah)”

  1. Amber Says:

    Way to go on paying off the AmEx. It really sucks when patients have to fight with insurance companies, we can thank that lovely ERISA bill Frown for that

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